Friday, November 21, 2008

Date Night



Vietnamese spring rolls.

Grey's Anatomy.

What a night.

I admit, spending an hour eating in front of the TV probably wasn't the most productive way I could be spending my kid free hours, and eating take out by myself might be a bit pathetic, but it was nice. And relaxing.

I look forward to a second date.

And a little cuteness:

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Oh Goodness...

What a lazy blogger I've been.

So Chloe has a stubborn streak a mile long. Probably several miles actually.

The funny.

I've talked before about how Dora was Chloe's first real word. And it wasn't even just Dora, she actually did the D-D-D-D-Dora. You all know the theme song. Well,about a few months ago, she just stopped saying it. I think I might have blogged about this recently. Everything is Boots now. At first I didn't think anything of the fact that when Dora came on she would say Boots. But then I told her to say Dora. Her response? Boots. I have tried EVERYTHING. I have tried bribing her with candy. Toys. I've even stooped as low as to withhold toys from her. But nothing works. I would have her say a bunch of random words really quick so she didn't have time to think, but the immediate response to Dora was always Boots.

I used to think that maybe it was a subconsious thing, but her responses have somewhat evolved. Come of the common responses we get now to "Can you say DORA?":

-"Boots!!!!" (this is being screamed)
-Just a straight scream at the top of her lungs.
-No! Boots.
-No! I say Boots! (This is my favorite)
-Huge sighs
-or she's starting now to just ignore the question.

After Mark dropped her off one day, I tried a new tactic. Being funny. So I'm like, "Tell Dora bye-bye!" She kinds of laughs, so I repeat it, encouraging her to say it. I repeat it again, and she laughs. I again tell her to say it. "Say Bye-Bye Dora!". She looks at me, looks at him, then looks right back at me, I kid you not, and says, "See you later Boots!" Seriously!

The not so funny.

When Chloe is done eating something she has the tendancy to just throw it down. I'm pretty sure she's old enough at this point to follow directions. So today she had one of those pop ice things. You know the popcicle in the long plastic thing? Well, she has me cut it down as she goes so that she can get it out, as she's not quite able to keep pushing it up. She gets to the bottom and then just throws it on the floor. So I'm like, "No, No. Pick that up." She yells no and runs away. So I go get her and bring her back to the spot. Tell her again to pick it up. She yells no and is throwing a fit at this point. She's trying to run away but I won't let her. I again ask her to pick it up. She throws a fit and just starts hitting and kicking it. She finally reaches down and picks it up. Only to immediately throw it again. I put her hand down there and she REFUSES to pick it up. I bet we sat there on the floor for 10 minutes repeating this sequence as she's acting like she's being tortured. She finally picks it up. We walk over and get it in the trash. Whew!

We have showdowns like this a few times a week. She definitely give me a run for my money.

And to end with some pictures: