Monday, December 08, 2008


So "No" is Chloe's new favorite word. Within the last few weeks, she's mastered using it in phrases. Literally she uses a no in front of every word she says to show her disinterest in it. I think she says it so much because she knows it annoys me...

You don't believe me? Just watch. I have proof. And then there is some video of her dancing to her guitar playing. She usually does quite an impressive job of playing and dancing, but of course, never when the camera is on! So without further ado...some pictures and video!


Anonymous said...

She is soooo cute. I know that she could say yes before she said no. She must have gotten tired of yes. I bet she doesn't get tired of no so quickly.

miss tanyamami said...

Your lil one is a cutie! I'm hoping Noah will start saying no soon. Wait! Did I just say that? I'll probably regret that one :)

You all stay warm! and Thanks for commenting on my blog!

KrisJ said...

Ok that is so funny I mean NO funny! haha

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday (tomorrow) to you and later this week to Chloe!

Chloe's latest pictures are adorable--she looks like such a big girl now!