Thursday, August 06, 2009

Am I Corrupting My Child???

We pull into the garage tonight about spending the evening at the library. Usually I pull in and shut the garage before we even get out of the car, but this time I didn't. I get Chloe out of the car and we walk over to the drive way. We talk for a few seconds and then the following conversation ensues:

Me: Chloe, are you ready to go inside and play?
Chloe: No, no Mama. Let's pick weeds! Weeds, Mama!
Me: That's my girl!

I admit, I have this obsession with picking weeks. Mostly its because they have taken over my yard and each weed I'm able to pull out by the roots seems like a small victory to me. But it cracks me up that Chloe would rather pick weeds than play! That's my girl...

Chloe has also developed a healthy obsession of her own. Cinderella. She doesn't really LOVE this movie, but she loves playing dress up. Yesterday she decided that she needed a crown to go with her dress. It's so funny because she gets so excited with herself when she's dressed up. She likes to twirl in the dress, dance, run, sing, it's too funny!

Note: There's actually a mirror on the back of this door. She likes to go look at herself whens she gets dressed up!


Bobby said...

If you’re guilty, then I guess we are too! I installed a mirror on the back of Lily’s door so she could see herself (in her Ballet outfit) with crown and all. Oh well, their only in our care for such a short time, then it’s some College Professor’s problem.

mom said...

She is a Beautiful little princess. Walt would be Green with envy.

Beri said...

oh, is she going to love disney! anna's not into pricness garb yet, but i have a feeling she will be once she sees chloe all dressed up. can't wait for the picture of the two of them all dressed up with the cinderella castle in the background.

mom said...

Well I hope everyone has their cameras all tuned up and ready to go. Disney is not far off!