Saturday, May 31, 2008

OCD on the swing set

Chloe has learned this fun new trick. Seems she's figured out that she can grab my hand and lead me to wherever she wants. She doesn't seem to do this to anything else.

When we go out back to play, she employs this tactic a lot, pulling me over to the swing set. Now, my back yard is a pretty good size, so what this usually entails is pulling me about a quarter of the way there, then insisting that a pick her up, followed by excited pointing to the swing set.
Now this swing set is definitely not one of those super fancy kinds you see all the time. Its (somewhat rusted) metal with a baby swing, two regular swings, and a set of rings. Here recently she's really taken to the "big girl" swings. But even so, apparently there is an order that we do things.

First, we swing in the baby swing. Then she moves to the big girl swing. Then back to the baby swing. Then she plays on the rings. Never to we deviate from this system. Two times today I tried to put her on the big girl swing was disasterous. Trust me. It must be said routine EVERY time. Weird, I know.

But here are some pictures of her enjoying herself on her big girl swing...


Anonymous said...

What great pictures and I think the swing set thing is so cute (even though it makes things more difficult for you!)