Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Snow Day!

A foot of snow! Seriously!

The up side is that I took the day off so I wouldn't have to try and brave the roads. So Chloe and I got to spend the day snowed in together! What did we do???

First, we looked out the back door and saw this:

Lots of snow! So what to do? Hmm....

We went and got a bowl of snow and the following:

And made snow ice cream!!!! (I'm sorry if anyone finds this completely disgusting. Apparently I let Chloe do a whole bunch of disgusting things. Poor child. It was even suggested that social services should be called on me for letting my child eat gross, polluted, bacteria infested particles that fall from the sky. Or something like that. But she did love it. She's been talking about snow ice cream all day...I highly recommend it! )

We also got in some quality snow time outside!


Anonymous said...

I love the pictures. What's wrong with eating snow?

Denise Grover Swank said...

Looks like you both had a wonderful day! Snow ice cream-- I say go for it!

Anonymous said...

Yum!!! Snow cream is the best! We always put food coloring in 4 yr old is fond of blue snow cream! Have fun, they're only young once!


Bobby said...

We don’t get snow all the often down here in Louisiana, but given the number of Chemical plans – I don’t think we’ll be trying snow ice cream! I haven’t seen a picture of Chloe in a while. She is getting so big! MAN they grow up so fast.

Dodie said...

The only snow we avoid around here is yellow snow. It's free reign on the rest!