Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Days of our Lives

Don't know if I mentioned this in a previous post, but our pipes froze a couple of weeks ago and we had no water for a weekend. Luckily once I figured out the problem, I got a space heater and we had water within 20 minutes.

So work has been getting busier and busier, and I am working a lot of hours now. With the snow and ice that came in Monday night/yesterday, I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to make it to work, although I thought more than likely I would. And I did. But I only worked until about six, as the partners were concerned with everyone getting home before it got dark.

My drive to and from work was fine. The problem was when I pulled into our drive way. I got about 1/4 of the way into it when my car started getting stuck. At this point I had to make a decision as whether to leave it there or attempt to get it into the garage. I wasn't sure what the whether was supposed to be like last night, and the thought of having to deal with a snow/ice covered car didn't appeal to me, so I tried to get it into the garage. I made it without too much trouble, although I took awhile. I had to go forward a little, reverse, go foward, reverse, etc until I got into the garage. But I make it. Actually it's about 5:45 at this point. I forgot to close the garage after grabbing the mail. Mark had to leave for work around 6:30. When he left, he called me to tell me to close the garage. I was in the middle of doing something, so I didn't do it right then. He texted me a little before 9pm to ask me if I did it. I hadn't, so I got up right then and went and closed it.

Then when Mark got home at 8am this morning, he informs me that I didn't close the garage. Well, I know for a fact that I went out there and did it, so the only thing I can think of is that snow had drifted into the garage, and it must have hit it at the bottom and then came back open.

So we have no water today. Last time it unfroze with the space heater in about 20 minutes, this time its been on there since 815 or so, and as of right now, no such luck. Plus, I am stuck in the garage, and Mark is stuck at the end of the driveway. So I can't go to work. Actually, I can't do a lot of things...brush my teeth, take a shower, wash the dishes, feed the dogs, etc.

But at least I have the day off I suppose...


Anonymous said...

Amazing what all you use water for isn't it? I hope you get water soon I bet you do too.