Friday, February 16, 2007

Adoption and other Misc updates

So I'm thinking that we are probably going to go with the other adoption agency. I think we've decided that the wait is too long with FTIA, although they are a great agency. That's one of the problems that you can encounter with new programs...

So we have to have our dossier submitted by the end of next month, otherwise I would have to redo all of our documents. Although the agency has referrals ready, we would not be able to travel at the required time.

If we submit our dossier sometime in the middle of March, it would potentially put us at a May/June travel time. But that's just an estimate. Could be later. Don't know how long the stay will end up being either. Should know more later.

I'm going to have one more conversation with a lady who is adopting through this agency right now before we make our final choice, but this is probably what we will do.


So I thouught we would have our pipes fixed by this morning. Didn't happen. We did fix everything that we tried to fix, but there was one more leak that we didn't catch. So another day without water.


Hopefully my car will be free and clear tonight and I can actually get out of the garage.


I think that's all the updates that I have for now.


Anonymous said...

You have water now right? Well let me know when you talk to that other lady.

Anonymous said...

If that girl would ever call back, maybe we could get our paperwork submitted. Wouldn't that be nice.

Anonymous said...

Yes as a matter of fact that would be nice