Wednesday, August 01, 2007


I've been debating whether to delete my last post. It seems that some people have taken it the wrong way. I've given a lot of thought to the matter, and I think I'm going to leave it as is.

Here's the thing. When I started this blog, I had this grand vision of it being something that Mark and I could do together. I knew it would be more my thing, but I envisioned Mark maybe occassionally leaving a post on some things from his perspective, leaving regular comments, etc.

Well, it didn't turn out that way. Blogging just isn't Mark's thing. Writing in general isn't Mark's thing. And that's fine, I'm not going to force him to do anything he doesn't want to do. I don't mind at all. Mark does check the blog just about everyday and even encourages me when I've lagged in posting.

That being said, this has more or less morphed into just my thing. I love that I am able to leave updates on Chloe and us in general. And I'm sure I've written a couple of venting entries. I'm sure I've written previously about my frustrations. And I'm sure that I will continue to do so.

Last night's entry was not meant to offend anyone. It was not meant to be a vent against Mark. It wasn't even meant to be that much of a negative vent.

As far as my writing about our schedules, I felt like it was important to get my point across. I haven't expected or asked Mark to not do the things he does for the most part. My point was that it's not your typical, I stay home with Chloe until Mark gets home from work, then we can spend our evenings and weekends together. We have no "weekends". We have no days when our schedules match up. That was my point. And that is frustrating to me. But it is what it is. I think that will change in the somewhat near future, but right now that is what I'm dealing with. This is not be being upset with Mark so coming on here and telling everybody to get even or try to elicit change or make anyone feel sorry for me. From my perspective, the main point of this post was not my and Mark's schedule, it was the fact that I am having trouble striking a good balance between regular responsibilites, and me time, without sacrificing sleep.

My point is this: This is my blog. It's where I come to post about my news, thoughts, feelings, events, etc. I enjoy writing, it helps me think about things, and sometimes it's nice just to be able to write about how I feel. But it's not always going to be happy, cute, Chloe updates, though most of the time it is, as that's what I really enjoy writing about.

I apologize if I ever offend anyone. If anybody ever finds anything I write offensive towards them or inappropriate, please tell me and I will immediately remove it....


jenn said...

not offensive at all, and I really didn't even read it as complaining. I took just that from it..."here is where I am, this is what frustrates me, where is the balance."
Keep writing!

Anonymous said...

I didn't think you were complaining BELIEVE me I KNOW when you are not happy. I think it is great that you have this outlet for your feelings and I will do nothing but incourage this it is good for you. So NEVER STOP WRITING!
Love ya, Mom

Anonymous said...

Ditto!!! on both comments. you DID mention that you weren't complaining.New moms have a lot of concerns and scheduling dilimas, it is normal to feel frustrated and seek an outlet

Anonymous said...

Didn't mean to go off on you or Mark, but I guess I had heard it all at the ballgame and just felt like you were still upset about things. Sorry!! Chloe is old enough to have a schedule, at least a workable one, and that means a bedtime so you just have to put her to bed and maybe put something in bed to occupy her, that will not smother her of course, and then you should get some sleep. And, I did put my babies in bed with me just so we both could get some sleep. They all did just fine, so you may want to try it. love you

Anonymous said...

Hi Angel,
I wanted you to know that I enjoy your blog. It lets me stay connected on how things are going. I love the pictures, Chloe is so adorable!!!

Anonymous said...

Well it has been almost a month and no new words. I am sure everyone would like to here about your new endeavor, and how you are feeling about it.