Wednesday, October 17, 2007


So I am very upset right now.

Chloe had a bad night last night. She was very congested and fussy. As most of you know, she still gets up usually at least three times a night for a bottle. Usually 11ish, 1ish and 4ish. Then she wakes up between 6-7am.

Well, last night sucked. She was up every 30-45 minutes. The child couldn't breathe and was miserable. She didn't even want to eat, she just wanted to be held. I tried using some saline in her little nose, but it didn't seem to help much. She'd go back to sleep and then wake up again a half hour later...

So this morning I gave her some infants tylenol cold medicine. The bottle was almost out so I thought I would go to the store during my lunch and get some more.

Well, to my surprise, I can't. Apparently the FDA has recommended that cold or cough medicine not be given to children under 2. So nothing for a runny nose, congestion, coughing, sneezing, anything. I'm thinking...this can't be right, I'm going to call her pediatrician to confirm.

So I call the pediatrician and this is in fact true. No over the counter cold/cough medicine can be sold.

So what does the nurse recommend I do to alleviate the misery that my child is going through??? Glad you asked. I was given three suggestions:

1-Take a steam shower with her. "The steam should clear up some of the congestion." Ok, lets think about this. First, how long does steam ever actually relieve congestion? For about two minutes after you take it away??? Second, how hot do I have to make the shower in order for it to sufficiently fill up with steam? I'm thinking that after that I won't have to worry about it, as I'll be dealing with third degree burns, as I don't have the luxury of having an actual steam shower.

2- Have her sleep sitting up or standing. Maybe this is cool for some babies, but mine is not one of them. She lays down or she doesn't go to sleep. She doesn't stay asleep for that long in her car seat or anything. She suggested that I elevate part of her crib and that might help. Well, if you've seen Chloe sleep, she's all over the place. She actually crawls around in her sleep.

3- Do nothing. I could take off of work to bring her in to the doctor Friday to prove that she is in fact congested, at which point, they might or might not prescribe something.

Those are my options.

Now why are things like this? Apparently there's a risk of infants overdosing on cold medicine if the manufacturers directions aren't followed. Isn't that the case on any medication???

My prediction???

1 - Many parents aren't going to be able to take off work anytime their child has a cold or stuffy nose. They either don't have the time, can't afford it, etc. It's going to take even longer to get in to the doctor because there are going to be so many "emergency cold" appointments fitted in between already scheduled appointments.

2 - Children will go untreated.

3 - There will be more over doses because those parent's who can't afford to take off work will start using children's cold medicine for their infants and self dosing.

So am I over reacting here???


catbertie said...

The problem wasn't so much that the overdose came from the cold was from parent's who couldn't figure out that cold meds with tyenol had tyenol in it and overdosed the kids on tyenol!!!

We went out and bought up all the LIttle Colds we could find......

Anonymous said...

Well I am so freaking tired o our government thinking that because a couple of people are stupid that all Americans are stupid so they must dictate to us what to do and when to do it. It would truly be nice if our government would secure our borders and guard our shores and leave child rearing to the parents. But that's just me. and having said that I still believe we live in the greatest country on earth.

Angie said...

Amen!! My little Eli (12mos) has another terrible cold. He has been taking Pedicare off and on for a few weeks. I knew there was some issue with children's cold medicines, but I never seem to find time to read the paper or watch the news, so I didn't know the details. I went last night to get him more medicine and found out that I couldn't. I have been treating childrens colds with over the counter medicine for 5 years now without incident. Now my little Eli (and me) have to suffer because of a few dumbxxxxx out there. As a side note, eventually you need to ferberize Chloe. My oldest didn't sleep through the night until 14 months when I finally had enough and tried the ferber method. My middle one has always been a good sleeper, but Eli has gotten up 2 to 3 times until I feberized him recently. It is a gut wrenching process, but the result is worth it. Try turing on the blower on your furnace, it helps to drown out the crying. With Anthony I had to sleep with a pillow over my head. Good luck!!

Anonymous said...

there must be some old home remedies for things like this, angel or bonnie, have you tried any research of this type? I know that modern people have modern ways, but I don't recall hearing of any mishaps caused by old home remedies....just a thought