Tuesday, September 15, 2009

My Shiny Sink

I'm sure most of you guys are wondering why I'm posting about my shiny sink. Or more likely, are wondering WHO made my sink shiny!


The significance? I've decided to try the Fly Lady's system to getting organized and decluttering. I'm starting the 31 day Baby Steps program. We'll see how it goes.

I'm declaring Day 1 a success! (Pay no attention to the horribly dirty window...Day 1 was only the sink! Hopefully that'll be Day 2 or something...)

In other Chloe news--she's as spirited as ever!

That girl. I love her so. She is so just like me, which can make things a bit frustrating at times, but it's also awesome.

You know that one nursery rhyme???

There was a little girl,
Who had a little curl,
Right in the middle of her forehead.
When she was good,
She was very, very good,
But when she was bad, she was horrid.

That's Chloe. I know everyone says that about their kid, but I'm serious about Chloe. She is as stubborn, strong willed a child as you will ever meet. I like to call it determined and spirited. She's not mean or hateful, she doesn't act out in anger. But when she does get frustrated, man, you better watch out. I always think, gosh, Chloe is THAT child. You know that child. The child who, before you had kids, you were like, my child will never act like that! I don't know, I could be wrong, my I'm pretty sure that's what people think often times when she gets in that mood. Sigh.

But a majority of the time, she's actually very happy and outgoing. She laughs and smiles ALL the time. I can't tell you how many random strangers how come up to us and commented about how happy of a baby she is!

A laid back child she definitely is not! But I can't say that I would have her any other way!


mom said...

And the reason YOU know that nursery rhyme is because seemed it was your written for you. And have you notices she has started to take on some of your facial expressions?

Susan said...

My mom used to recite that nursery rhyme to us kids lots and lots! I will say that I never had a curl in my hair, so it couldn't have been about me. lol

I completely, absolutely, totally understand about your determined and spirited child. I think you know I have one of those at my house, too. Like you, I wouldn't trade her for the whole world! We just have to love our sweet and spicy girls.

Kudos to you for getting started on the flylady thing. I keep saying I'm going to do it, too. Hmmm, maybe tomorrow? Keep up the good work!