Thursday, October 26, 2006

Had a Bad Day...

I was sitting here trying to come up with a title for this post, but the only thing that kept popping into my head was that that's what the title is going to be.

We received our final homestudy in the mail yesterday. One copy of it has to go to US CIS (immigration services) so that our I600A can be processed. Once they receive the homestudy they will issue us an appointment to come get fingerprinted. Once they process our prints, they will send us our I171H which is the last form that we need, then our dossier will be complete. So fast forward to today.

I got this crazy idea that it would be quicker if I dropped the homestudy by CIS instead of mailing it, since I work downtown anyway and the Federal Building is only a few blocks away. So at about 8:45 this morning I decide to head over there.

First off, let me mention that a "few blocks" is really .7 miles. And it's cold and rainy out. (However, I did think to borrow someone's umbrella...)

So after what seemed like forever since I was being bombarded with freezing rain, I finally reached the Federal Building. I stand in line and go through security, metal detectors, etc, and then ask the police officer where the CIS office is. He looks at me like I am crazy!!! So I mention something about immigration and he goes, "you mean INS!" Well, no, I didn't mean INS, I meant CIS, but I went with this. (INS actually changed it's name last year to CIS)

He goes on to tell me that I have the wrong building (WHAT!?!) and that actually I want to go to some gold building and he proceeds to give me directions. Now I have to decide whether to give up and go back, or keep going, hoping I can remember the directions the guy gave me. (Most of you know how bad my sense of directions is :) ) I decide that since I've already come this far, I might as well keep going. So I head out again.

Another .7 miles it turns out, so basically I ended up walking 1.5 miles. One way. So I walk in the building, hand in the homestudy, and then am done. So then I have to walk back. That means I actually ended up having to walk about 3 miles in the freezing rain. And of course I am having to walk through puddles so my socks and the bottom of my pants are soaking wet. And they stay like this though out the day. All this before 9:30am!

Now contrary to my post title, it really wasn't all that bad. Actually it was quite an adventure and it left me with a good story to tell.

On another non-adoption note, I got home today and really wanted to make this certain thing for dinner which I am not going to name right now. I meant to stop by the grocery store on my way home from work to pick up the stuff that I needed, but I forgot all about it. And I came home and took a bath. Later as I am sitting at my desk, I realize that I didn't stop by the store. So in my mind I debated going to the store. I really wanted to, but I didn't want to go out again. Finally I gave in and went and got everything I needed. The main thing though was that I got some onion hamburger buns.

So I come home, set the bags on the kitchen floor, and put everything that I am not going to be using away. Then I proceed to do the dishes. I am almost done with the dishes when I get sidetracked and go upstairs for a few minutes. When I come back downstairs, I start to go into the kitchen, but something in the living room catches my eye. Upon further inspection, it's a torn up clear plastic bag. But not any torn up clear plastic bag, it's a clear torn up plastic bag that used to contain onion hamburger buns. RRRAAAJJJAAAHHH!!!!!!

So my dinner plans ended up ruined, but I'm sure they tasted good in Rajah's tummy....


Anonymous said...

But he's just so cute!!! You know you can't stay mad at him.

Angel said...

Bet we know who THAT comment came from...

Anonymous said...

That was a good one. After I stopped laughing I would most likely punish Rajah... Hummm ... I know! NO ONION BUNS FOR A WEEK!

Angel said...

Actually...I stayed mad at him all night. I didn't laugh one time. Someone else did though...

Anonymous said...

I wonder who THAT was...

Anonymous said...

Did you get our comments? Dad was just trying to figure out how to respond. We both read it now and will try to respond. Things will get better just keep at it-anything worth while takes patience.