Thursday, July 17, 2008

Something that makes me smile....

Chloe has been doing a lot better in the car seat here recently. Of course when I say a lot better, that doesn't mean she's doing great, it's just not ALWAYS terrible.

It gets to the point where I just kind of try to tune her out when I am driving. Nothing I say, do, or offer her will calm her down at certain times.

I always have my rear view mirror turned so that I can see her. I like to be able to check on her when she gets quite, as usually it means she's doing something that she shouldn't be doing.

But the bad times are becoming fewer. And in the past few weeks I've noticed something new. I'll look back in the mirror and notice that she's just kind of staring off like she's in her own little world. And then she'll get this huge grin on her face and start quietly laughing to herself. It's not like there is anything funny around or I'm talking to her or she's trying to make me laugh.

I'll keep watching and she'll return to a normal look, then in a few more minutes she'll start grinning and laughing again, completely oblivious to everything around her.

How I would love to know exactly what she's thinking about that makes her laugh like that. Whatever it is, it truly makes her happy. I love that her thinking is getting so complex that she is able to use her imagination and think of happy things. I suppose I am making the assumption that she is using her imagination, but if you know Chloe at all, you definitely know that it's not the car seat that makes her happy!

But anyway, it does make me smile to see her back there smiling and giggling to herself like she doesn't have a care in the world! :)

And I'll leave you with a pretty cute video of Chloe showing off some of her crazy animal sound talents. Enjoy!

PS Don't let the black eye distract you.


Bobby said...

Can you say CUTE! Very nice. I wanted to be the first to use that comment.

Anonymous said...

I can ditto that comment! And what is also cute is: I was playing this video and Bella was saying all the words as her video self was saying them.

Anonymous said...

Oh man... That's double-cute!!!

Love the story about her in the car seat!!! How wonderful that she can not only self-sooth, but crack herself up!

Kelli said...

So sweet!

Anonymous said...

How cute was that video! She is adorable!