Friday, September 28, 2007


So Chloe is a very good baby. She is usually very easy to deal with. She rarely cries and is usually always happy. I'm sure it's because I'm usually always paying attention to her. And in all honesty, I should probably be encouraging her to play on her own more often, but I figure that can wait until she can get around better and I'm not constantly having to worry about what she's putting in her mouth, where she's going, etc.

She does cry when I walk away from her. No matter what. If she's by herself, she won't stop crying until I come back over there with her, and then she's fine. And it's not like she really wants me to hold her or anything, she just wants to know that I'm right there. And that doesn't really bother me.

Now if she's with someone else, and I walk away, she starts crying, but she'll stop after a few seconds as long as the person gets her attention. And then she won't start crying again until she sees me. And that doesn't bother me either, I think it just shows healthly attachment, as she's ok after a couple seconds.

Now here is what bothers me...

The girl LOVES food. Not baby food so much, but people food. And if she sees it, she thinks she has to have it. And the child will SCREAM until she gets it. And scream unless she CONSTANTLY gets it. Almost a full out temper tantrum. Like if she doesn't get it, she'll start flailing her arms and legs and everything. The problem is that usually it's my food. So if I try to eat it, it doesn't make her happy. And this goes well beyond the typical I'm hungry cry. She's not even hungry a lot of the time, she just wants it. And wants nobody else to get it. It's the kind of cry where it starts out as kind of grunt, then when she doesn't get the food, it turns into an ear piercing scream. Like she knows that I will give her a mouth full just to quiet her down.

At this point, I usually have to fight with myself over two thoughts:

1) On Oct 2, she's be nine months old. She can't possibly be old enough to think that if she throws a fit, she's more likely to get what she wants. She just knows that she wants food and connects screaming at the top of her lungs as a way to get it. (But if that's the truth, why doesn't she do that with everything???) At this point, is this really a battle that I should pick?

2) At what point do you start teaching her what behaviors are acceptable? If she sees that this works to get her food, I'm never going to be able to eat and she'll always get my food. So what I've been doing is if she starts the fake screaming thing, I stick her pacifier in her mouth instead of food. Then I wait until she's stopped screaming before I give her anymore. If after awhile she doesn't stop screaming, she just doesn't get anymore. (I don't starve her obviously, I'm talking about supplemental feeding here)

So my questions is this... at nine months, do babies have the ability to make logical reasoning connections??? I've been trying to work on no with her, but she doesn't really listen...redirection seems to be the way to go, but when we are eating, I really don't have that option. Thoughts???

I can already tell this girl is going to be a handful:)


Anonymous said...

She is going to be 2 hands full! The way you handle it depends on who u are if you are Grandma, you give here what ever she wants as long as it doesn't hurt her. If you are mom, well you are doing what is right. I don't see the screaming for your food as a huge deal she will out grow it but she knows how to wrap you around her finger and she is doing a Great job. You need to reinforce who the mom is, she doesn't completely understand but this is how she will learn.

Angie said...

Hi Angel!! Sorry we didn't see you at the party, we wanted to see the baby! Susan and Amy were here. Here's my thoughts on the eating thing. If she wants food, give it too her. My middle one was like that, and now he is the best eater. My older one wouldn't eat anything, and he is still finicky. Believe me, the second scenario is much worse. As for her eating your food, that won't stop anytime soon, so I guess you just have to get used to it. Yesterday I tried to eat a jar of yogurt. By the end, I was feeding my yogurt to a 1, 3 and 4 year old. Needless to say, I didn't get much of it. At this age, she does know how to manipulte you and should know the meaing of the word no, but don't worry so much about being the "authority figure". You can fight that battle when she gets older, believe me, she will let you know when it's time to put your foot down. Right now if she wants food, it doesn't have to do with manipulation or control, she just wants to eat! So give her lots of food, and lots of different kinds. When she's a good eater at 5 you'll be glad you did. So...What else is new?