Thursday, September 20, 2007


Ok--So obviously I haven't been updating this site as much as I have in the past. It's not for lack of things to say. It's kind of because I go so long I can't decide what to say. And I haven't been taking as many pictures as I usually do...

Anyway, I've added a new feature to the can now subscribe for email updates on the site. You enter your email to the right, and whenever I update the site, you should receive an email about it. At least that's the way it SHOULD work. That way I don't have to tell people that there is an update and you don't have to be constantly checking.

So Chloe had her 9 month well baby check up this past Tuesday. The doctor is very pleased with her development. She is now at 15.7lbs and 27 1/4 inches long. That puts her at 8% and 50% on the growth charts.

As most of you know, I've been dying to get her in a forward facing car seat, as when she's in the Eclipse the sun shines down directly into her eyes. So I asked the doctor when I could do that, hoping for a different answer, and I was told that I really need to wait until she's both at least a year old AND over 20lbs. And then the doctor adds, "At this rate, she's going to be well over a year old before she reaches that 20lb mark." Thanks. So there goes that.

She also wants me to spend the next three months transitioning her off of the bottle and baby food. Unfortunately she's on the lactose free formula, so getting her on cow's milk is really going to be kind of a trial and error process. We'll see if she really is lactose intolerant...

Well, I'm at work, so this is all I'm going to write about now...I really just wanted to tell you all about the email subscription thing...


jenn said...

Mine are still on the bottle, but with no teeth I don't mind it as 1) there are no teeth to rot (we don't give bottles in bed anyways) and 2)they have to get protein somewhere!

We also are lactose intolerant, but have found that getting farm fresh milk from a herd of cows we have part ownership in has actually helped these gals gain weight and grow vs the expensive formulas and such. We are very careful about it, I wouldn't drink milk from just any old cow...these cows are well cared for, grass fed, and tested regularly for any types of disease or irregularities in milk. We're odd that way, I know it.
Here's hoping for a growth spurt for yours and mine as well. (I have no clue where I am going to find pants for them this winter...think they make size "3-6 long"?)

Anonymous said...

Well this is a good idea I am signed up!
Isn't chocolate a good source of protien? Just kidding.

Anonymous said...

In the seventies we used to sew a different colored fabric to the bottom of our pants. not because they were too short... must have been because we had no playstation.

Anonymous said...

Good luck on the whole transition don't envy you at all!! Both of my girls are lactose intolerant...they were on that nasty soy formula that stank to high heaven. When I moved them to Vitamin D (which is the best for them since it has all the fat in it) they had some problems with constipation. So I would give them about 4 oz of apple juice a day and it helped to even out the problem lol! Maybe a little tooo well if you know what i mean!

As for the forward facing carseat...if she is forced to stay in a rear facing car seat...they make these shade things to go in the back window...I used to have one and it worked wonders. It has a dark mesh all through out the center of it so you can still see out the rear window...but its dark enough to block the sun....they sell them at walmart...but i think i got mine at burlington! Don't quote me on this because mine haven't been in rear facing car seats for like 3-4 years now! lol!I will check around my house to see if I still happen to have it!

Give Chloe kisses for me! If you ever need a break..i'm only a phone call or email away! I don't have a life so I don't ever leave my house it seems! i'm not far away from ya either, gotta love close places!

Talk to you later-

~jessica warren~

Angel said...

We've already got the constipation issue going on, so...

I got those little mesh sun shade things, but the problem is that my rear windshield has the window heaters on them and so the suctions cups won't stick to the window! They'll stick for a few seconds, then just fall down.

Chloe still alternates between 3 and 6 month clothing...although like the twins, to fit her length, they fall right off her.

I might look into the farm fresh milk thing...

Anonymous said...

well, dang,I feel left out of this!!I never had kidsbaylvdvof my own, plenty of nieces and nephews, though. The email address thing is a good idea, There, that is my comment for this posting. LOL