Sunday, September 23, 2007

Poor Chloe...

So I was reading some stuff on the news today or yesterday, or sometime. Apparently there is this massive recall of cribs due to potential safety issues. Most of them happened because the cribs were put together wrong. But what sticks out in my mind is in part of the article it mentions how the crib is the one place where you consider your child safe and don't feel like you have to be in the room with them.

Well, that hasn't really been the case for me. I mean, I do leave her alone in there every night and for naps, but in the back of my mind I always think about what happens if her little foot or arm gets stuck between the slats. Or what if she pulls herself up and topples over the crib. I always am listening for the slightest thump. Especially now that she can sit up all by herself, she crawls over to the edge, tries to pull herself up, and I'll walk in the room after I hear sudden crying and the poor little thing has all her weight against her head, which is stuck against the crib slats. Anyway, my point is that I've always had a little anxiety about the crib.

So today I go to put her to down for a nap. She's so, so sleepy. I leave her in there and go downstairs, and of course I hear a little whimpering on the baby monitor. Well, then suddenly I hear a thud and then hysterical crying. I run upstairs as fast as I can and she's laying face down, crying. I pick her up, and when I do, there's blood smeared all over her face, all over her clothes, all over the blanket. Blood everywhere. Dripping from her mouth. Lots of it everywhere. I was really freaked out at this point. I have a wash cloth and I'm soaking up blood from her mouth. After about 2 minutes, the bleeding stops and she finally lets me look into her mouth, although not too much. The best I can tell what happened is that maybe she pulled herself up in the crib and then fell and busted her mouth/gums on the rail or slats. But I have her a bottle held her for a few minutes, and she was asleep about five minutes later. And it doesn't seem to bother her at all. So we lucked out.

But my opinion sticks. Cribs suck. I'm all about the soft pack n play concept...


snacknuts said...

I imagine that whenever I have a baby, I'll construct a large, lidless box out of plexiglass in the dimensions of a typical crib. No slats for the baby to get stuck in, so obstructed views, and no risk of termite damage.

Angel said...

That's exactly what I was picturing in my!!!

Anonymous said...

Termites! lol I can't see that as a major concern but the rest .... I like the pack N Play!

catbertie said...

Little Penny (southsiders group) has no interest in climbing out of her crib. We don't even pull the front rail into the high position!!!!

Lucy fell face first onto the kitchen floor during Parent's Night out Saturday- bloody lip and nose bleed. When it involves the face, there is a lot of blood!!

Termites??? hehehehahahahahahahaha

Anonymous said...

Thought u were gonna post more often?

Linda said...

The Bite Me Bumper crib rail cover could prevent that. I bought mine on amazon.