Monday, December 10, 2007

Chloe's First Words

Ok--For awhile Chloe has been able to make sounds. Most of the time its da da da da da. But it doesn't mean anything. Or actually it means everything. To her right now, it's just a sound that she can make.

Every once in a great while I can get her to say ma ma, but again, she just says it because I tell her to, and like I said, that's only once in a GREAT while. Now she knows who ma ma is, she just doesn't say it.

Moving on...

"What's that?" Chloe says that all the time. About everything. And when she says it, she's always pointing at something. But again, I'm not sure that she REALLY understands what she's saying. It's just that I do that all the time, point to something and say, "what's that". So now she does that too. So like I said, not sure it counts.

Well, today she started REALLY using a word. Appropriately. And actually, she says it two different ways. What is the word, you say? Are you ready for this???





Ba Ba?


Bye Bye?


Try again!

Whatever you guessed, it's probably wrong! I'm really going to tell you.

I am not kidding, I am going to type this exactly how she says it....

Da Da Da Da Dora!

Exactly like in the song. I admit, I say that to her a lot. It's because of her love for all things Dora. Usually it will get her to calm down if she's upset. I was a little skeptical at first if that was what she was really saying, but she does it anytime she sees Dora--it's never just said randomly. And then I tell her to say Dora, and she does! So there you go :)


catbertie said...

That was Penny's first phrase too!

Anonymous said...

I think it is a-dora-ble! lol

Carissa said...

That is too cute!

Angie said...

Hey! Eli said his first word the other day (you know, besides the standard mama, dada, bye bye, etc.) It was...TURD!!! Mommy is so proud!