Sunday, December 09, 2007

Curse of the Christmas Birthday

My birthday is December 29th. Four days after Christmas. And I have always hated it. It always seemed to be forgotten about by most people, as most people's attention is on Christmas. When I was little and in school I hated it because we were always on break during my birthday, so we never got to celebrate it. Now Chloe is going to suffer through the same thing, as her birthday is four days later, on January 2nd.

I will admit that as I get older, the proximity of my birthday to Christmas gets less annoying. But now I have another problem. I have already decided that I wasn't going to go nuts getting Chloe things for Christmas. But now I have to get her birthday items as well. I would love it these two days were spread out more during the year, as I would have a reason to buy her new clothes as she grows, or replace toys that she might have outgrown. But now, there are only so many toys that she can play with at one time. So I'm kind of feeling like I am cheating her.

Here is Chloe's Christmas list for this year:

Fisher-Price Little Superstar Sing-Along Stage- Chloe loves, loves, LOVES, music and instruments. We listen to music every morning and anytime she hears any kind of music she immediately starts dancing. So I think she'll like this!

LeapFrog LittleTouch LeapPad Learning System- I love anything that encourages reading. And I found it at Target on clearance, so I got a GREAT deal on it!

Playskool Swing 'N Score Baseball-I try to keep Chloe involved in things that are active so hopefully physical activity becomes second nature to her. I know that its kind of a boy toy, but I think that she'll like it. We'll see...

Playskool Busy Ball Popper-Balls that fly up in the air...enough said. I think she'll be entertained!

So that's it really from me for Christmas. Birthday is another story. I've kind of been going back and forth on things, but I think that I've finally figured it out.

Not sure if I've mentioned it or not, but Chloe REALLY, REALLY loves Dora the Explorer. I opened one of the sales ads this morning and this is what I saw: What do you think??? The best part is that it's going to be on sale for less than $20! I think that she'll LOVE it!


Carissa said...

My mom's birthday is December 23, and when she found out that her due date with my sister was that day, she and the doctor had a chat and he said the earliest he would induce her was the 18th of December. She said no because I was in 1st grade and had a Christmas program that night but the very next day my sister was born (after being induced). That day my mom instituted the Christmas/Birthday rules:

1. No Christmas/Birthday gifts without the permission of the receiver (and they both almost always say NO)
2. No birthday gifts wrapped in Christmas paper
3. Every year there is a party JUST for my sister's birthday (when she was younger that applied to my mom as well but now that she has reached the 50 mark she says she does not care), we will never celebrate Christmas on that day (so the party is never the 24th or 25th)
4. No Birthday gifts will be given on the 24th or 25th if the person missed or will be missing the party (birthday's are a special day)
5. And finally it is ok to give a certificate for gifts to be given on the same day as the birthday in June (if the gift would be better received then, such as the year my sister got a bike and could not have ridden it in the snow) but you still must acknowledge the birthday with a card on the actual birthday

I used to think that these rules went a little over board BUT now that I am hoping and praying for twins with a December 18th birthday, I am thinking maybe they are just what I need! (Sorry so long)!

Angel said...

Don't worry...feel free to go as long as you wish. Write a novel if you want! (I love to read ;) )

I think those rules are excellent...I might have to adopt them!!!

And before my mom chimes in, I must acknowledge that she did in fact make a distinction between christmas and my birthday. Typically I got all toys and stuff for christmas, and then for my birthday I got clothes.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Angel, I was getting ready to chime. lol

Carissa said...

My sister will be 27 in just 9 days and STILL follows those rules. Trust me, last year my grandpa forgot and wrapped her b-day gift in Christmas paper and she refused to open it (she was joking but got her point across)! She also HATES to be surprised and always wants to know what she is getting, so now she tells us what we are to get her and if it is expensive enough she will now allow us to do Christmas and her b-day, like last year when she wanted the expensive digital camera and lenses. My mom also talked personally to all her friends parents before Thanksgiving with a party date when she was little and usually all of them were there then and a good time was had by all!

catbertie said...

Both my girls are early Jan babies. It's great- the after Christmas sales mean more loot on your birthday. At least that's what I'll be telling them as they grow up!!!!