Thursday, September 11, 2008

Almost a genius and other random acts of Chloe

So I almost became one of those mom's who thinks that their child is a genius.

Chloe was watching Dora. To set the scene, there is a tree in a forest with balloons hidden in it. So Dora is like, "Where's the red balloon?", "Where's the green balloon", etc. I glance up as Dora is saying, "Where is the orange balloon?" Chloe goes directly to it and points to it. I keep watching. Dora asks about the purple balloon. Chloe immediately points to it. I'm pretty convinced she's a genius at this point. So then Dora asks about the blue balloon. Chloe points RIGHT to it.

Of course, I'm skeptical by nature. So I rewind it to see if she can do it again. Unfortunately this time she mixes them up. So while no genius, it definitely was an awesome effort.

So while Chloe was pointing out the balloons, I quickly tried to find my camera to get pictures for the post. But, big surprise, I couldn't find it. It was especially disappointing because I had some other cute pictures to upload. So no pictures.

An hour or so later I decide to take Chloe out back to check out my produce in the garden. As we head out there I happen to glance down at her water table. Which is full of water. I stop in shock. What is in there you ask??? My camera. Of course now its a broken rusted camera.

I'm still trying to figure out how that could have possibly happened. It obviously had to have been Chloe, but I have no idea how long its been there or how she could have done it without me knowing.

So unfortunately, no more pictures of Chloe for awhile. Very sad, I know.


Over the last month or so, Chloe was developed this habit. Usually it's when we are in the car. I'll look back at her through the rear view mirror and she just has a blank expression on her face. So I'll say hi to her to make some other comment. Well, she'll look at me and yell, "No!". And if I keep talking, she'll cover her ears with her hands while simultaneously yelling "No, No, No!" at the top of her lungs. And she won't stop until I stop talking. Apparently she doesn't want to be talked to.

I can't help but to think that she is too young to be having this much of an attitude already.


Anonymous said...

Well it seems to me that camera shopping is on your list for no later than the weekend! I can't hardly believe that little Chloe gave your camera a bath, it must have been that poltergeist you have.

KrisJ said...

That cracks me up! Maddie will cover her ears if Im singing in the car... so rude!

Monique said...

I swear Choe and Ava are living parallel lives. Ava's favorite word is No. I laughed at the camera comment because that's me. Every time I "think" there's going to be a camera moment, I frantically search for my camera. I even ask Ava to repeat what she's doing sometimes if I missed the photo op ;-)