Saturday, September 27, 2008

See...I'm getting better

I've often talked about my aversion to anything messy where Chloe is concerned. Especially eating. I've tried to make do by stripping her down to her diaper when she eats, but man, can this girl make a mess! Seriously, it never fails that she gets whatever she's eating all over her hands and then rubs them all over her head/hair.

Today she got her first taste of sirloin. We put it over mashed potatoes w. gravy. And she did love it. In case you don't believe me:

(Notice the (clean) fork in her hand. Notice further how the food is getting in to her mouth.)

(Also notice that baller tattoo!)

(So this whole section was full of food. So even though she's using for hand for a fork, at least she's eating well :) )


Anonymous said...

It is not so bad letting her get dirty. At least she doesn't place her dish on her head when she is finished, rather it is empty or not, like her momma did. lol and I love the tattoo!

Bobby said...

Hey don’t “dis” the stripping her down to the diaper idea. I barrowed that idea from you. It sure makes getting her ready for bed after dinner so much easier!

Anonymous said...

that is the way to feed a child under .... 4 and some older ones could benifit from it too lol

Monique said...

I think Ava and Chloe went to the same school of etiquette ;-) Seeing Chloe's pictures reminded me of Ava all over again. I strip Ava down to her diapers whenever she has spaghetti because I'm too lazy to pull out the spray and wash from the laundry shelf. You should see her when I pick her up from daycare, LOL!