Thursday, September 25, 2008

We Live in a Zoo...

I'm serious. No joke.

Chloe can definitely be a girl. She loves princess movies. All the Disney movies. Belle, Snow White, Mulan, Cinderella, all of them.

But give her a doll? She wants no part of it. No interest at all. If you give her one, she might play with it for a few minutes, but she could really care less.

She loves "babies" though. Every day she comes home and calls out for her "babies". Not just one "baby" mind you. Every night she has to gather them all up, we set them out on the couch, and she tells them each goodnight. And then she picks one out to go to sleep with. And every night its a different one, you never know which she'll choose. It never gets old for her...

And even more amazing is that she knows when one is missing. And she'll insist that we keep looking until we get all of them.

I know the suspense is killing you, so introducing.....our zoo!

Notice that there are three elephants...her favorite. I've been on the look out for a lion for her, as its so cute to hear her making the lion sound. (Interestingly enough, she makes the same sound for a tiger, jaguar, leopard, and bear). Not pictured is her most recent sleeping companion, baby jaguar. (Diego fans out there know exactly who I'm talking about!)

And I'll leave you with some cute pictures of her eating corn on the cob. She had not had any in a while, and I thought she was going to refuse it. I tried to show her how to eat it, and she freaked out...didn't want anything to do with it. So I let her eat the rest of her food. After she was done, I picked the corn up and put it up to her mouth. It was like a light bulb went off and she went to town on the thing. By the time she was done, there was not a single kernel left!


Anonymous said...

She has a few of her zoo members here. shr pushes them around in their stroler. She is such a cutie.