Tuesday, September 02, 2008

In a funk...

Ugh. I need some new friends. Not that the friends that I have aren't awesome, but I need some Mom friends.

As much as my single friends try to humor me, I know hanging out with Chloe and I isn't the greatest fun. Especially when Chloe doesn't really want to be around anyone but me.

But she LOVES little kids. I've looked into doing some different things with her, but the problem is that it seems like all the toddler type community activities are geared towards stay at home moms. I can't exactly leave work in the middle of the day to take her somewhere. What's up with that? Its so frustrating.

She not quite the age where she can sit and listen to a story, follow directions, etc. So anyway, I'm looking for activities to socialize her more and get us out of our same old routine.

Here are some pictures from today:

How sad is this face? The problem? She wants to OD on vitamins.

Some Water Table Fun

Don't you just love this little dress??? We got it on clearance at Target over the weekend :)

These next three pictures illustrate why I can't seem to get any decent pictures of the girl. She thinks that I need to be holding her ALL the time. Like she's afraid I'm going to go somewhere without her...

Some swingset pictures:

Crying because she wants back in the swing... Unfortunately she wants me swinging in the swing beside her the whole time she swings. When you couple the fact that she would swing for hours if you let her with the fact that the second I get on a swing I get sick to my stomach...not a good combo.


A said...

Cloe has grown so much! What a cutie!

Have you thought about Kindermusik classes? A friend of mine takes her little girl in the afternoons. I checked into it and was surprised to find they have evening groups in my area. I plan to take our baby once we get him home. I thought it would be a good Mom & Baby play group activity. Best of luck!

waiting to file our I-600 for Brodie in Bac Lieu

Bobby said...

Love the dress! Our lives sound alike.