Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Swimming Lessons Update

I must tell you all that swimming lessons were a huge hit with Chloe.

I was a little concerned that Chloe might not be into the water so much right now. When we took her swimming over the summer, it took her a while to warm up to it. Also, she's not so much enjoying bath time right now...

But the second we entered the pool, her little face just lit up! I don't think I have ever seen her as excited as she was about anything else. I mean, you can get her really excited for a minute, but this was thirty minutes of pure non-stop excitement for her. She couldn't contain herself! She was splashing, laughing, giggling the WHOLE time. Not for one minute did she stop splashing and laughing. Seriously. I'm not even exaggerating!!!

A little background on the class... Her group was 0-36 months. There were 3-4 other babies, but they all were getting ready to turn three in January. So Chloe was the youngest by far. The class was geared towards "survival training" rather than actually learning to swim. Basically, they wanted to get the babies acclimated to the water and teach them to kick and blow bubbles through their mouth.

Obviously I wasn't going to get Chloe to breathe under water. The instructors told me to only do what I felt comfortable with, but suggested letting her float on her back, or blowing in her face to see if she would hold her breath, then putting her mouth and nose underwater. I decided that I wasn't going to do the face underwater thing, as I didn't want to scare her. I did guide her around a little on her back, but mostly I just held her and let her splash.

I know that she probably didn't learn much, but like I said, my goal was just to make sure she is comfortable in water. And in the end, even if we come everyday and just play, it would be totally worth the money that I paid just to watch her have so much fun!



Anonymous said...

I glad to hear that she had a great time. It is good for both of you to do things together. The benefit of that far outweighs rather she learn to swim or not!

Kelli said...

Thanks for your comment on my blog-it's always great to "meet" new families in the area with children from Vietnam! Chloe is adorable!

Anonymous said...

I agree with mom! And she shows she is not afrid of the water, even better!