Thursday, January 24, 2008

In my defense and more attitude

I will try to repost the video of Chloe later to see if it will work. The problem that I am having is that my lap top is sort of broken. More specifically, the power supply cord split and I had to get a replacement. Instead of ordering the actual model specific cord, I just got a generic replacement. Unfortunately I don't think it hits the place inside the little hole that puts the power to it as it doesn't always work. I have to keep adjusting the plug thing in different directions for it it to hold a charge. Then I have to either hold it there with one hand the whole time, or on some occasions I can find a position that will work, but that I can't let anything move or touch it, etc. Sucks. (Hope that makes sense, as I don't know all the technical terms for what I am talking about. That being said, if anybody knows how to help me, feel free to share)

Why don't I buy the proper cord, you ask? Well, it's like $150 and I'd just as soon buy a new lap top. That's why.

All that being said...


That's definitely an exageration. She's still sweet. Most of the time at least.

But she's definitely developed this full on "I want my way RIGHT now" type attitude.

What is she doing you ask?

I will tell you. (Some of these I might have already blogged about, but that's ok)

Biting: She's discovered that her teeth do things. For example, I'll be holding her, going about my business, not expecting anything, next thing I know, my shoulder is getting gnawed into. Granted, I almost feel that's sort of a discovery type thing--so I won't dwell on it. Next, I'll be walking along, holding her hand, leading her somewhere she doesn't want to go. She wants me to let go of her hand, but I'm pretty stubborn too, so I don't. Next thing I know she's got my hand in her mouth biting it! I will say that this behavior has NEVER resulted in me letting go of her hand, no matter how much I wanted to.

If I try to put her down when she doesn't want down, she instantly resorts to the "make your body go limp and throw yourself on the floor screaming and crying". Unfortunately, it's hard to ignore as I can't just let her go at this point because most of my floors are hardwood and she'll hurt herself. So I try to gently get her to the floor and let her scream and kick and cry.

Heaven forbid another child try to take something from her. She definitely defends herself. She'll hit, scream, smack, etc. My only consolation here is that she NEVER starts it. If people leave her alone, she leaves them alone. I try to avoid putting her into the situation where this would become an issue.

These are just to name a few. Now don't get me wrong, if you met her you wouldn't nessecarily notice these things and she's in no way a problem child. These are just behaviors that I've noticed starting to come out of her. I'm pretty confident that these are stages that all children go through and I'm pretty sure that my sweet little bella will return in all her glory.

It's more of a battle of the wills at this point. The child will learn that more than likely she won't be able to out-stubborn me. And if she does, it's only because I am picking my battles with her...


Anonymous said...

You KNOW I hate the whole "picking my battles" thing. Bella is worth EVERY battle.Presonally I think her fits are cute. But then I am not subjected to them very often. Funny how your whole look on things changes when you are Grandma instead of Mom!

Carissa said...

I am so not looking forward to having to choose my battles, I am not very good at that! Good luck!

KrisJ said...

Ok I was so excited to see you tagged me! Im always so surprised to learn that others follow my blog and Ive been a fan of yours for quite awhile! So thank you so much!! I had no idea you had a seperate one though so I will start following that one too! Your comment was very funny, of course I know who you are! Thanks again

Jennefer said...

Hi! You are getting beat up by your toddler too? We need to make a group. We could all list and lament about how many times a day we get hit, kicked, bitten, smacked, screamed at, jumped on, sat on, smeared on, and don't forget the hair pulling. We can follow that with the 50,000 hugs and kisses we get a day. Should be good. Thanks for the comment on my blog. I can't find the tag though. Am I blind? I need directions.

Anonymous said...

Oh no! What am I in for? Should I just buy some armor and a steel hairnet and hope for the best???