Monday, January 14, 2008

Misc Information

I'm sure that I've mentioned this before, but Chloe is not a "morning" baby. Upon waking up, she just wants me to hold her. I can't talk to her, play with her, put her down. I just have to hold her and go about my business until she decides she's ready to start her day. If I try putting her down, the result is a replay from my last post... :) This includes after naps.

During the week, I have to leave really early for work, so what happens is I get ready, then I go get her as I'm walking out the door. I try not to turn on any lights, transport her straight from her bed, to car seat, and then back to bed at my mom's. I try not to rouse her too much, so unless she starts "talking" to me, I don't really talk to her, besides giving her a hug and kiss (which I realize isn't talking:).

So this morning I go in and get Chloe out of bed. I hear this awful, awful sound. What is it you ask? Well, little Miss Chloe is grinding her teeth! Mind you, she only has her two front top and bottom teeth at this point, four total. But she is grinding them somehow. So I'm like, "No, No. Stop, baby girl" as I try to stop her with my hand to her mouth. She stops after a few seconds and I am able to stop cringing. I get her in her car seat and all is well. Until I get to my mom's and take her out again. Again, she starts doing it, so I try to get her to stop. She finally does once I lay her down. I'm hoping, hoping that this isn't going to become a habit...keep your fingers crossed!

In other Teeth news, Chloe is also about to get her two top incisor teeth. They are not poking through the surface yet, but you can feel them.

Also, I have to wonder about the person who developed the infant tooth brush! It must not have been someone with a baby... Or maybe I just have one of "those" children. We had our first attempt at toothbrushing over the weekend. Chloe LOVES it, but when I stick my finger in her mouth, she automatically bites down as hard as she can! Go figure...

Some things Chloe is learning:

-She knows how to turn lights on/off
-She knows what the light is
-She's learning to jump. She's got the bend the knees part down good, but still needs a little help getting airborne!
-She's getting really good at throwing balls.
-She understands A LOT of words, but won't really say any besides her usual, "what's that", "yeah", and "Dora", or "Do-Do-Do, Do Dora!" And some other miscellaneous sounds.
-Her go-to phrase is Da Da Da Da. She randomly says it all the time. Try as I might, I can't get her to say Ma ma ma ma. I think she just doesn't because she knows I want her to do it. I go, "Can you say Mama?" She looks at me, laughs, and says, Da Da Da Da. Hmmm.

I had a lot more on my list to update about, but I don't want this post to go too long.

One other thing. I've been hesitant on posting certain things on this blog. Basically as I want this to be a blog about Chloe, so I don't want to diverge much from that. But there have been times that I've really wanted to post about certain random topics, but I've refrained from doing so, so after much consideration, I decided to make another blog. Just about random life things. I've decided to do it over at wordpress in order to utilize the password feature if I need to. So feel free to check it out over at .

I haven't posted anything on it yet, so give me a day or two...


Carissa said...

Oh I cannot wait to read the new blog and teeth grinding that sounds painful.

Anonymous said...

Let us know when you have it up and running, the new blog that is. Hopefully bella will stop the grinding, if not You better stare a dental fund.