Tuesday, January 29, 2008

One Tired Mama...

Ok--I must admit, I'm tired. I get up, go to work, and then when I get home, I'm ready to crash. But of course I've got four or so hours until Chloe is ready to. It's gotten really bad this week...

Last night Chloe woke up about a half hour after I put her down. I usually get at least a solid three-four hours before this happens. Not last night. And it was the type of cry where I knew she wasn't going to stop. I walk in her room and she's actually standing up in her I pick her up and walk around with her. She won't let me sit down and rock her, as that requires me to stop standing up. She calms down when I walk around, but the second I start to put her down it starts back up again.

So I bring her into my room where I was *trying* to sleep, thinking that I might regret this, but I would try to let her sleep with me. No such luck. She wants to play. So we play for the next hour and half, until finally 1030 or so when I put her back down and she goes back to sleep. She actually stayed asleep for a little while, but still got up two more times before 6am when I had to wake her up.

Tonight we try again. She wakes up after an hour and again, nothing I do will soothe her unless I walk around with her in the dark. But after a half hour she's still not asleep. Or at least not to the point where I can put her down without her waking her self up screaming. It wouldn't be so bad if she would let me rock her. So finally I put her back down. And she screams. She's been screaming for the past 30 minutes, so I'm about to go back in there. But man, I sure hope this isn't a new habit.

One difference in her routine from the last few days is that both last night and tonight she missed her evening nap. I usually lay her down about five and then wake her up by six if she doesn't wake up on her own... maybe that's throwing her off???


KrisJ said...

Maybe at 5 both of you should have a nap!! I hope she gets back to normal real quick for you. I know the zombie feeling of no sleep and its just not fun.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh ... I feel so sorry for both of you! What a loving mommy you are to do all that walking and standing for so long. I guess the good news is that it won't be like this forever. I hope it gets better soon. That book "The Happiest Baby on the Block" is supposed to have suggestions for this situation, but I bet you've already read it? Hang in there!

Anonymous said...

That 5:00 nap sounds like a greeat idea!