Monday, June 01, 2009

1/30 Potty Time

Gosh! Can you believe it's June already!?!!?

So I've been thinking a lot about potty training lately. Only I have no desire to start until she at least shows a little bit of interest. And I'm content to wait until then.

But that doesn't mean I'm not encouraging her. We went out and bought the Potty Time Elmo Doll. He says random phrases and praises you when you get him to the potty on time. He apologizes if he doesn't make it. And we bought the Potty Time Elmo DVD and watch it every few days. We talk about going potty a lot. But she has no interest in sitting on the potty chair or anything. So whatever. We'll wait.

We're shopping at the store today and I decide to let her pick out some panties to start with. She picks out a pack of princess and a pack of Elmo. The following conversation ensues:

Me: Chloe, do you know what these panties are for?

Chloe: What, Mama?

Me: They are for when Chloe goes potty in the big potty like Elmo.

Chloe: Like Elmo!

Me: Yes, like Elmo. And you won't have to wear diapers anymore!

Chloe: No Diapees!

Me: That's right, no more going potty in the diaper.

Chloe: I no go potty in diaper. I potty on Mama! Ha, ha, ha!

(She is in fact correct. When I got home from work she was napping. When she finally woke up I went up and got her...she was only wearing her diaper. We went down and watched TV for a few minutes while she woke up. She was sitting on my lap. All of a sudden I felt like I peed my pants! At first I thought I was imagining it, but sure enough, after a few seconds, I jumped shirt and pants were soaked! I laid her down on the couch while I went and through my clothes in the dryer and my mom changed her diaper. She was in that dazed-I-just-woke-up state. What do you do???)


Me: That's right. You did. You should not do that!

Chloe: It's ok Mama. Accident's happen.

Me: (At a loss for a response) That's right baby...

Elmo would be proud.


mom said...

I say it is time to move in that direction.

Monique said...

I cracked up at Chloe's comment about going potty on Mommy. We are at the same non-potty stage with Ava. She doesn't show any interest and I've been majorly procrastinating! We were able to train my son because he always went behind the furniture to do the deed. With Ava, she doesn't care and will do the deed while eating, playing, etc. She'll tell us 10 min. after the fact. Maybe by middle of summer?? Sigh! I liked your idea of Elmo potty time. Where did you find yours?