Saturday, June 06, 2009

6/30 This is harder than I thought...

Blogging every day, that is.

Have I mentioned that Chloe very rarely takes naps these days?

Throughout the week when I am working, she is known to sleep until 10am. Sometimes later. So it's a little understanding that she doesn't nap.

But let me tell you, it's a different story anytime I am at home when she wakes up. Every day I look forward to possibly being able to sleep in a bit. Or at least be up a little bit before her so that I have time to shower. Nope. She's up by 8-830 on those days. And it's not just the weekends. I wasn't feeling well this past Wed, plus I had some shopping to do, so I took the day off work. Sure enough, I hear her little voice at 7am.

I guess I can't complain too much. It is pretty cute to be woken up every morning by, "Mama? Mmmaaammmaaaaa! Mama!".

That girl.


Anonymous said...

YEAH so nice to see you back...I am FINALLY catching up on blogs! BTW I love my passat and it has almost 100,000 miles on it and still runs great! Unfortunately I am afraid that it may need to be traded for a mini-van soon. A sad sad day...