Monday, June 08, 2009

8/30 That Child...

So Chloe can be a very stubborn child. She pretty much likes to do what she wants to do, when she wants to do it. And she doesn't take too kindly to being told what to do. She prefers things to be her idea.

And I've never met a child who could ignore quite the way she does. It's more of a matter-of-fact ignoring rather than a defient ignoring. You could totally scream at her and she won't even respond in the slightest. If I didn't know any better, I'd almost say she was deaf!

Sometimes I really do wonder if she's just completely ignoring me, or just super good at tuning everything around her out.

So last night she's sitting on the living room floor playing with all her horses. I ask her to come over to me so I can change her diaper and put on her pajamas. She continues playing with her horses. I ask her again, with a slightly raised voice. Still, nothing. I ask her again, and again, she just continues playing, never moving a muscle in any kind of acknowledgement that I said anything.

This is a daily occurance.

So out of pure frustration, I walk over to her, get down two inches from her face, and say, "CHLOE, WHY ARE YOU NOT LISTENING TO ME!?!? WHAT DID I ASK YOU TO DO!?!?"

Finally she looks up at me. I'm still two inches from her face. She just gives me this blank look, reaches forward and gives me a kiss, and then goes back to playing with her horses.

Gosh. I know I should have not let her do that, but how can you be made at that???


Bobby said...

Lily likes to ignore me as well. I’ve taken to telling her – “Lily do you want to come over here, or do you want daddy to come over there and get you?” Not in a mean voice, just stern. I’ve only had to actually walk over once or twice. Most of the time she says – “No daddy, I’ll come ober dare!” Good luck!

mom said...

good luck is right. lol

Aunt Jan said...

LOL, I can just see that happening.That's our Chloe!