Thursday, June 21, 2007


So Chloe is sick. She has a cold...poor thing. She has a bad runny nose, but I can't seem to find any medicine for it that is ok to take at her age.

I bought some Tylenol Plus Cold & Cough, but it did nothing for the runny nose. I then called the pediatrician's office, and the person who answered the phone recommended Pediacare decongestant and cough.

We had to stop at Walmart, so I checked there. I asked the Pharmacist and he said that Pediacare didn't make it anymore. So I left and called the pediatrician's office back. She said he was full of it. So I stopped by Walgreens and they had it. However, the active ingredients were the same as the tylenol, so I asked the pharmacist, and she confirmed that it wouldn't help the runny nose. She said I would have to give her benedryl for it... So go figure.

She seems to be doing a good job bonding to me. She suddenly cries when anybody else holds her, and then she'll stop when I take her. She cries and/or wimpers when I leave the room, and always has to have her eyes on me. So that's good.

I'm trying to work on her crawling, but it's kind of hard with the dogs, as they all want to be up in her face all the time.

She still gets up a few times during the night.

She is slowly coming around to the dogs. She used to cry whenever they looked at her. She would wail if they licked her. But now she occassionally smiles when they lick her.

I think that Sammi and Raj are feeling a little left out and are needing a little extra attention.

We are now trying to get everything unpacked and put away and generally get the house organized, which is proving to be quite the task!

I will post more later, along with pictures.


Anonymous said...

So is the benedryl helping, now that you went through all that? Another Walmart moment, huh?
It sounds like she is adapting more to her surroundings. Sammi and Raj are adapting too, they need to get use to someone new getting attion that use to be theirs. It sounds like they are doing well with it, they just want to check her out.

Anonymous said...

Well I hope she is feeling better soon.