Friday, June 08, 2007

We're Finally Coming Home!!!!

We had our second interview today!!!! It was a breeze, took about two minutes. Barring any unforeseen circumstances like natural disasters, computer glitches, etc., we will pick up our Visa Monday and make our flight Monday night. That means we'll be back in Indianapolis around 2:00 pm Tuesday!!!! We were hoping that they might issue Bella's visa the same day, but no such luck. But I'm not going to complain.

It's kinda bittersweet because there are two families who didn't have their second interviews today. I am hoping that they get their appointment Monday!

So on the way to the Consulates office we road in a taxi. Not sure if I have conveyed this, but in Vietnam they don't use car seats or seat belts. So the babies simply sit on our laps.

Well, we are driving, and suddenly the driver slams on the brakes!!!! HARD!!! We all went flying forward and the seat in front of us went flying up, even though someone was in it! One of the babies smacked her head on the seat... It sucked.

Anyway, Chloe is waking up, so I'm going to grab her...just wanted to share the news!


Anonymous said...

That is wonderful Angel!!!!! I am so happy for you (and us, we are all anxious to have you back)

jenn said...

Great news, you'll be home before you know it! Go do that last minute shopping, start packing (I ended up leaving old clothes, books, and misc items there as I had such little notice on my visa being ready and my flight was scheduled similar to yours...I should have had an extra suitcase but had no time to go buy one.)
It'll be good to be home, won't it.

Anonymous said...

GREAT NEWS!!!!! I am so happy for all of us! Like Jenn said Start packing! Wow you just made my day Much brighter. love ya

Anonymous said...

What WONDERFUL news!!! Have a great last weekend in VN, take those last minute pictures, shop, pack...whooo hoo you are almost home!!!!

PAP NEXT travel group...yippee.

samg23 said...

I just read about this in Ally's blog. Congratulations!!! I'm sure you are all more than ready to be home, you've been there FOREVER!! lol Well, Congrats again, and good luck!

Samantha (Ally's sister)

Anonymous said...

That is about time they finished everything up and let you get back. See you soon, we love you and miss you, and we're all anxious to see Chloe.

Anonymous said...

Hi Angel,
I've been afraid to cut a baby's nails since Emery was a week old, I snipped his finger and I won't cut a baby's fingernails ever since. I think I just chewed them off with Chris and Nick, and my Mom always clips Isabella's.
I'm sure you are and will continue to be a great Mommy, Angel. I've seen you with kids. It's only the good Moms who worry that they're bad, a bad mother wouldn't care...nor would she go through all you've gone through to become Chloe's Mommy.
I'm thinking you more than likely won't have to worry about people seeing Chloe as different, or not as good as a baby you'd have least not with the people that matter most. As for anyone else, they'd just be ignorant.
I just went through all the adorable little clothes that Izzy's outgrown but I couldn't bring myself to get rid of. I have two huge bags full, so when you get back, I'll get them to you and you can go through and take what you want. Chloe's a little bigger than I'd last heard, so some of them might not fit, but there are still a bunch that I'm sure will.
Have a quick and safe trip home!

Anonymous said...

Angel, we are ecstatic that you are finally coming home with Chloe!!! I am so excited that I can be there on Tuesday to welcome you as all our BIG stuff is behind us and we can enjoy you, Chloe and Mark altogether as a family!!! Tom wanted me to come with him this week but NO WAY will I miss your arrival. You are a terrific mom I am sure and it will be easier once you have help. Love you!!