Monday, July 16, 2007

Meltdown at the mall

Chloe really likes her baby carrier now. She likes to walk around and to be able to see everything.

So today we took a trip to the mall. Not really to get anything, but just to walk around. Chloe was very excited and happy the whole time. We walked around the whole mall, stopping at the stores I like.

There's this little smoothie stand that I absolutely love. I always get an old fashioned, freshly squeezed strawberry lemonade. I was actually a little starving, but there wasn't really anything to eat around that would have been healthy. So I decide to just get my lemonade.

As we are walking away, Chloe eyes the lemonade and starts her grunting, meaning she wants it REALLY bad. So I talk to her and tell her that it's Mommy's lemonade, not Chloe's. It doesn't help.

So she moves from the grunting to this pathetic little whiney thing. I try hiding the lemonade behind my back, but she already had it. I tried to explain to her that not everything that she sees is hers to consume, but again, she's not interested in that explanation. She then moves on to a full out screaming cry!

This perfectly content child was SO happy walking around the mall, until she saw something that she wanted that she couldn't have. Then she went into full meltdown mode! Crazy!

End Result: Mommy throws the whole lemonade, less three drinks, in the trash. So nobody got to enjoy it. Unfortunately, the happy content child was now MIA. So we went home.


Anonymous said...

It sounds like Chloe knows what she wants and means to get it. Kinda reminds me of another little girl I once knew.

jenn said...

Little girls know when they see something they have to have. From experience I can tell you that they WILL NOT give in easily. Consider this an induction into the halls of princess mommy-ing!

Anonymous said...

She's too cute to be mad at though and you know it.

Anonymous said...

didn't you know that once you're a mom, nothing is totally your's anymore? lol!