Saturday, July 14, 2007

Some of my confessions...

So I absolutely love Bella to death. And I love being with her. And I hate leaving her somewhere. But sometimes I need a break. Not a long time, just a few minutes. And not even to get away, just to not have to entertain her constantly. Which leads me to some of my confessions:

  • Sometimes I just let her cry on the floor. I figure that she needs to learn to entertain herself. Mark might disagree with this, as he thinks that I never let her cry or leave her alone on the floor. But honest, sometimes I do.
  • Occassionally when we are driving somewhere she'll start crying and nothing I do will console her. I can't very well get back there while I'm driving, so there's not much I can do. So I just turn the radio up in hopes that it will calm her. But mostly to drown out her cries.
  • Sometimes I let her chew on Sammi's chew toys. Now I'm sure a lot of you will think this is gross, and I hate the thought of it, but sometimes she'll be really, really grumpy and chewing on Sammi's chew toys makes her happy. So sometimes I let her. Until Sammi takes them away, as she doesn't like to share.

So I think those are my only terrible confessions. I also admit to taking entirely too many pictures of her, as evidenced below:


Anonymous said...

well, I don't think it's really all that terrible of you...sometimes you do need a break, and she does need to learn to entertain herself. She'll get to the point where she doesn't cry so much, and ultimately, she'll be better off for it. Serenity cries in the car sometimes too, and there's not a lot you can do; I try talking to her and that seems to work for the most part, but not always.

Anonymous said...

Well, Angel, you certainly outdid yourself on pictures 15!! They were darling!! And it is ok to let Chloe cry as she will learn to deal with things now and later on when she realizes she can't always have her way when she wants it. Just make sure it isn't due to hunger, diaper, in pain but lots of times they just need to cry to voice themselves good or bad. In the car is a difficult one-sing to her, turn up the radio, just don't get angry with her because she will sense that. Miss you, love ya.

Anonymous said...

you can't take too many pictures.