Sunday, July 08, 2007

What a cutie!!!

So we have a pretty week coming up. I'll give you a quick run down, that way you guys can be sure to hold me to posting about it...
  • Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday we don't have anything set in stone, but a lot to do during those days:
  • Add trim and quarter round to the dining room. We are going to have to stain and put the top coat on it. I know it's not called a top coat, but I'm lazy and can't spell the poly-whatever.
  • We are going to do a photo session with Chloe and a photographer. I'm going to call tomorrow to schedule it...
  • Thursday-I'm going to get my haircut. But not the same as usual. Stay tuned to find out.
  • As most of you know, Mark had a little accident on his motorcyle while Chloe and I were in Vietnam. He hurt his knee. Thursday he is going to go have all this gross fluid drained off of his knee. It's kinda cool though. I'm sure he's going to miss it.
  • Friday-Chloe is going back to the doctor. The doctor wanted to see her back in a month for a weight check. Also, since we will be there, she's going to get another round of shots:(
  • Friday-Mark and I are finally going to use my gift certificate to Morton's Steakhouse. Then see a movie probably. My mom is going to watch Chloe. This will be the first time we've both been away from her for an extended period of time!

Well, that's all I can think are some pictures:

This is Chloe shortly after waking up. You can see her nice array of toys...squeeky thing, Mr Alligator, a book, and nintendo controller. Pretty cute, huh???

I happen to think that this is the cutest outfit ever, but she sure wouldn't let me get a good picture of it!

One of Chloe's favorite toys are pretty simple items. For example, she was quite occupied with this baby wipe for about 15 minutes!

Of course, she's not quite so sure why Mommy keeps trying to take her picture!

I guess I'll give a little smile for mommy...


Anonymous said...

Chloe is turning into a very happy baby!