Saturday, July 21, 2007

Wizards, Lizards, and Playdates


I admit it! I went out today and got a copy of the newest Harry Potter. It's kind of funny when you hear that people are lining up at midnight to make sure that they get their copy. My secret is to just go to the grocery store or Kmart. You can just walk right up, grab your copy and leave. No lines, no sold out sign. And I waited until noon today!
I really am facing quite the dilemma here. I actually just started a different book that I got from the library. I'm about 1/4 of the way through it. I would really like to finish it before tackling a 700+ page book. But I'm afraid if I don't get to reading, the ending will be spoiled on the internet. That's what happened with American Idol while I was in Vietnam...


So Chloe and I went to Target on Thursday. They had a bunch of toys on clearance, so I was looking through them to see if there were any good deals. Chloe starts to get a little fussy, so I start handing her random toys to keep her entertained. Well, she didn't seem to be interested in them...that is, until something caught her eye. What, you may ask, did our little princess girl find that made her eyes instantly light up??? Was it a princess? A barbie? A baby doll? Nope! A small lizard/dinosaur type thing. With sharp teeth! She loved him! I could not get the thing away from her, and since it was only $1.99, she got to take it home with her. We named him Henry. Don't ask why.

So we briefly attended a playdate with Chloe this afternoon. We couldn't stay very long, as Mark had to work, but we had a lot of fun. I'm really excited because it's a group a little girls adopted from Asia. I'm so excited that Chloe will have other Asian princesses to play with! I think they usually hold play dates once a month. So I think that's going to be great fun!


Anonymous said...

I got my copy of Harry Potter yesterday as well,at "Wally world" I don't have to worry about seeing how it ends on the internet, cause I don't really look at that part, the news, maybe.Henry, that's funny, you never know what is going to interest a little kid.
It is so cool that you found a playdate function to take Chloe to, it will be fun and healthy for her to be around and interact with other children.

catbertie said...

It was great to meet your family at playdate yesterday!! And, it was good to learn about adoptions from Vietnam and have babies in our group again. We do try to meet one a month with some sort of activity (we've had a Halloween Party annually) with the girls.

(we got our copy of Harry Potter too!!)

Anonymous said...

Well I think you should finish your book and Stay off of Yahoo til you read Harry.
I think Harry is cute. He eats grass and spiders not little girls so it is a perfect toy. lol
Good to hear you had a great time at your playdate.

Anonymous said...

Finish the book you are reading and don't check the internet until you are done. Otherwise, if it were me, I would forget what the first book was about. I think Henry is cute-interesting what she picked up, isn't it? Wish I were closer to shop with you guys!! The playdate sounds really neat!!

Stacy said...

Now my vote is actually to jump over to the Potter book and hold off on the other one - I think you'd be glad you did! I finished last night - and it goes fairly quickly and you don't want to have it ruined for you. I haven't run across spoilers yet but I was terrified I would...

Anonymous said...

lol Spoken like a True Potter Fan Stacy. Maybe she is right Angel you can always pick up the other book, skim over what you have read and you will be good to go.