Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Advice Needed

For the most part, Chloe is a very good baby. She has her moments, but nothing out of ordinary. She likes to be held ALL the time, and not just held, but held while you are standing up. Otherwise she'll scream. But she's getting better. I think she's just used to all the attention right now and likes it!

What I need advice on is this...

Chloe throws up after every time she eats. Its always either one of two consistancies: Completely clear liquid, sometimes with speckles of formula in it, like the water completely seperated from the formula; or thick and pasty, like the formula without water. Notice I am saying she is vomiting and not spitting up. The stuff smells like vomit--you know acidic and gross??? I was thinking she might be having a bit of acid reflux, but the problem is that she doesn't seem uncomfortable or cranky while she eats or after. When she throws up, she doesn't seem uncomfortable either. Its the vomit smell that has me curious. I guess it's more of a convenience thing right now, as no bib or outfit can be used twice. When you calculate how often she has a bottle, and it happens everytime she eats, you can see that it really adds up. And it's always the vomity type stuff, not regular formula spit up. I can definitely smell the acid in it as well, so I'm curious why its not hurting her little throat...

I'm wondering if it might be something that goes away when we switch her to her new formula...

For now, we've just been feeding her more upright and trying to keep her upright for about 30 minutes after eating. It helped a little, but the problem is still persisting. But maybe this is normal in some babies...not sure...

Anyway, feel free to offer your thoughts....


jenn said...

Both of mine did this. It is gross and for us it lasted until about 9 mo for Aubrey and a little earlier for Chloe. For now, try watering down her formula a little bit to see if it helps. With it being so hot there, it will be important for her to retain fluids. If it were reflux it would hurt her. Some babies simply haven't fully developed the flap that closes off the stomach and so long as it is not acid (she'd let you know if it was acid reflux, we had one of those...she would cry at every spit-up) there is not much you can do but keep her upright, make sure she isn't getting air, and burp her frequently (mine would not burp in the middle, they would scream like they were never going to eat again!)
I remembre the bib thing and with both doing it, it was bad. I brought just enough to get through the day in that state and was constantly washing the bibs. If you happen to be out at a store that has a small baby section (the Intimex or the one that is a 3 or 4 story mall over at the southeast end of Hoan Kiem Lake..Trang Tien???) They have these little burp clothes that look like cheesecloth almost. Now I wish I had a couple packs of these as they are very absorbant, they were so easy to wash in the sink, and best of all they dried fairly quick. I think I got a package of ten of them for about 25000VND.
I always had a few with me, and when I would carry one in the BabyBjorn I'd have to layer one of it or it too would be soaked and the carrier would not dry overnight!
Hope that helps some.

Angel said...

That's definitely reassuring. I feel so bad for her as her breath reaks like vomit all the time. Although at this age I suppose she probably doesn't care.
And I definitely know what you mean about the burping in the middle thing. She gets hysterical if you take the bottle out of her mouth for ANY reason.
And those burp clothes are awesome. I keep meaning to go get some. Some of the other families have some and they are definitely nice.
Thanks for the response, it definitely makes me feel a little better!!!

Anonymous said...

I was going to say try feeding her less at one time and more often but... Maybe you can switch to water halfway through her feeding. As hot as it is there the formula may just be curdling in her stomach. Then again that may be the same as watering down her formula. Burping in the middle if you can get her to I am sure will help.
Love ya Mom