Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Day 11 &12

First off, Mark is feeling a lot better. It was basically a 24 hour thing. So that's good.

Again, things aren't progressing at the rate we expected, so I wasn't able to do the substantial update I thought I would be able to do.

Monday: We really didn't do a lot. We waited around until about noon to see if we would make any of our appointments. But we didn't. So we went to the market and did some shopping for groceries. On the way back we bought 2 pineapples from a street vendor. I have to tell you, pineapples in Vietnam are the best ever. They are so, so fresh, I've never tasted anything like them. And the ladies peel and chop them right in front of you. They do it with suck skill that when they take the outside off, they don't take ANY of the fruit with it!!! It's crazy! But it only takes them about two minutes!

After that, we ordered some pizza for lunch. Then we did a little more shopping. That's about it...

Tuesday: Again we waited until noon at the hotel. Then we went over to this dvd store and got a bunch of dvd's to keep ourselves entertained. We went back to our room and watched Chaos. It was was pretty good. We had never heard of it before...It had Jason Stathem, Wesley Snipes, and Ryan Phillipe in it.

Then we took a taxi with the other families over to a mall. We had dinner at an italian restaurant, which was pretty good. I think we'll definitely go back. Did I tell you guys that we had KFC the other day as well???

We came back to our room and watched Employee of the Month and then went to bed.

And again, now we're just waiting around the hotel room waiting to hear whether anything will happen today.

All that being said, looks like Mark is definitely coming back early. I think he'll get into Indianapolis on Tuesday at 3:40 or so...


Anonymous said...

Well I hate these delays almost as much as you do! When does Mark have to be back at work? I know you told me once but I forgot.

Anonymous said...

that is really messed up that Mark has to come back before. I know we knew it was a possibility but still ... I know your mom wishes she could fly over there to be with you!! It will all be worth it once it is over. I know you have heard this before, but think of the stories you can tell Chloe. Just a thought... I hope the rest goes smoother. Miss you guys

Anonymous said...

I hope that the G and R takes place Thursday(today) May 23. Glad Mark is better!!!

Keep your chin up as best as possible.

Anonymous said...

Heard from a few people that Mark should be able to miss work even if he doesn't get paid for it but not lose his job for any type of maternity leave or adoption leave-by law. Have you checked into this to see if he can stay as long as it takes to get Chloe home at the same time altogether? Glad you are better, Mark.

Angel said...

Well, Mark needs to get back to work so that he can get paid and we can pay bills...

I think what you are referring to is the Families and Medical Leave Act... but they don't have to give that to you until you've been employed for a year, which Mark hasn't been.

And lastly, Mark is wanting to go home...

Anonymous said...

So I've been living in small town Ohio for too long. I was thinking that I wouldn't hear from you two until you got back. I mean I don't have internet at home, why would you in Vietnam? :) You have been in my thoughts and prayers. I'm excited to be able to follow you along your journey. Stay strong for it is a worth it in the end. Your daughter is precious!!!