Thursday, May 17, 2007

Day 8-Friday

So it's 10am and as far as we know, the G&R is still on! Unfortunately, I think that most of our clothes are going to be way too big for her!!! We'll let you know how it goes and post pictures later...

In the meantime, any updates on Sammi and Raj would be greatly appreciated!!!


Angel said...

Also, my farm! Are they being watered?? Growing???

Anonymous said...

Been thinking about you & praying for you as I adjust myself to your time frame. You should have Chloe with you now!!! Are even the 3-6 month clothes too big? Should have bought 0-3 I guess. Give Chloe hugs & kisses from us. 3 weeks from today is Raych & Matt's big day!!! Love all of you!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't have an answer to the dog or farm question. I'm sure Mom and Jason do though. Jeez, everyone was so worried that she would be too big for 0-3 mos. sizes.... Bright side.... It is pretty chilly here right now so, that bundling thing that they do there, may come in handy for a bit. then they won't look so big. Just a thought. I'm sure with all the family you have that won't be a real big problem, once she's home.

Anonymous said...

Hey I'm guessing the G&R is over by now, I hope you found something nice for her to wear, I am sure you did. Tell me what you think you need to get her through until she grows into the 3 to 6 mo I will go and do a bit of shopping.

Sammi & Raj are doing fine. and your farm is still alive. When I planted the tomatoes I noticed grubs in the ground. We need to look into that I am sure it can't be good for the tomatoes. If you have a chance to look that up or if anyone else knows anthing about grubs I would be happy to hear it.

Jason has your Berry bushes planted I don't know about your strawberries. There is a lot in the area where you want it planted. He will have to shovel all that stuff out past the roots, and he will need to replace the soil. It might be better to find a different spot, if he hasn't started already.

The lawn looks nice.

Did you know you had a friendly Rabbit that hangs out on you're front porch?. Need to watch it cause it will eat your crops Farmer Angel.

I will write more later I have to get ready to go to Foltz.
Love ya

Anonymous said...

Sammi and Raj are doing good, Sammi seemed a little under the weather last night, was hacking like she was trying to spit up a furball, and when I got up this morning and fed them, there was a little bit of dried white foamy stuff in the corner of her crate like she had gone in there and thrown up during the night, but she's been fine today. As far as the farm goes, your tomatoes and berry bushes are planted and being watered, I planted the berries over between your house and the neighbor's house by the tomatoes because they needed full sun and that's really the only place they're gonna get it other than in the middle of the yard. Your herbs in the kitchen aren't doing as well. They're not dead, but they're definatly voicing their dislike of me. I've been filling the little tray they sit in once a day. Should they get more water than that? Maybe twice a day? Mom said to turn them every day, because it looks like half the plant isn't getting sun... I haven't messed with the strawberries yet, because that's going to be a job clearing that area out, and when I got Marty over here to do the yard stuff, he didn't bring his tiller, and I haven't gotten him back since. But, me and Mom were talking about that today, and in order to plant them in that area, I'm going to have to dig all that soil out in order to make sure I get the roots of the stuff so it doesn't grow back, and I can't put that same soil back in there, because it has all the plant stuff that we don't want growing there, and I also need to check on what kind of sun strawberries need, unless you've already done that. So, I should have them in the ground and growing by tomorrow. I'm thinking that if it's nice enough, I'll do it while Serenity's here, and she can play in the yard. But if you have any suggestions, I'd be glad to hear them. And I think that's it...what's up with the ceremony? And when are you going to have my neice home? You are of course planning on coming straight home with her so that I'll be the first one to see her, right?

Angel said...

Yeah, the months are a little big on her. 0-3 month socks fall off of her!!!!

It's been pretty hot here, can't imagine keeping her bundled up. It's almost to the 90's and super humid!!!

FYI...there are bags of soil in the garage if you guys need it. Thanks for all the help!!!

As far as Sammi's hacking goes, that's pretty normal. Sometimes she's really going to throw up, she might go throw up the foamy stuff in her crate, and sometimes she's just faking so that we'll let her outside... So you never know...

Anonymous said...

Well it is saturday and we haven't hears about the G&R What is hoing on?????

The soil is gone in the garage. We used it for the tomatos & bushes.

I will look for some socks What else do you need?

Anonymous said...

I really don't know anything about grubs, Bonnie, but I saw some grub stuff at work, a big bag of stuff, so I know there is a solution to it.
Dang, if the 0-3 mos. socks fall off what else is there? I guess there's a solution to that as well.